Marriage & Family

The Power Of Two; 10 Unique Benefits You Have

It takes two to tango, it takes two to make it work. We hear this so many times and it is sincerely true. Many couples face many challenges in their marriages and in some cases, only one keeps the grind. Tiring isn’t it?

The power of two and the significance of the impact it can make in making things work like a magic wand in hand, is something that may seem out of this world for some, but for those who really know the strength behind that power, it is the most wonderful thing you could ever dream of.

Don’t take time to wonder.

Two people helping each other and leveraging on the power of two.

Togetherness in all things as a couple is no doubt, the bond that keeps a relationship going strong over the years but having to bear a burden that’s meant for two by just one person while the other is alive and well but just unwilling, is one of the most horrible feelings in the world.

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The result of this feeling is not only an emotionally but also a physically drained spouse and believe me, no one wants to be that burnt out spouse.

You may be reading this and thinking the grass looks greener on the other side but yours if properly taken care of, could also be as green or even greener.

However, if you want to enjoy good dividends in your marriage or relationship, you have to be a great hostess or host to your significant other and to be able to achieve that, you have to put in the work. Everything good needs attention and you have to be willing to give your relationship or marriage exactly what it needs.

So what are the benefits you can enjoy and the things you can do to leverage this power to ensure that it is potent enough for your relationship or marriage to thrive?

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Let’s dive into it:

1. Interdependence

First you need to acknowledge you are no longer one but two. Some people grow up to be independent individuals either because they have been trained that way or they chose to be that way.

When married, independence could come handy. However, it shouldn’t totally take over the place of interdependence. That’s why you are two, a formidable army that can take on whatever comes your way.

Take advantage of it to your benefit.

2. Easy Reach Out

Admit you need help. Sometimes, we all want to be super men and women in our marriages. We find ourselves saying things like “Oh! You mean that? I can take care of it.” Even when we know we could do with some help. Don’t let things push you to your wit’s end before you ask for the help you need.

Don’t try to impress your spouse by acting like a macho you know you are not. Ask for help sometimes. It doesn’t hurt. That’s why you are two.

A couple loving on each other showing the power of two.

3. Opportunity To Grow

Give room for your spouse even if you know you can handle things like a pro. No one wants to feel redundant or insignificant in marriage or a relationship. Even if you can do things and deliver on point, give your significant other the opportunity to also show their strength.

Being able to handle situations and circumstances without the other feeling overtly overburdened or overwhelmed is a strength of being two.

4. Appreciation

Being appreciative of those seemingly little things that are overlooked by others should not slip by without you giving your spouse a wink or a high-five!

Let your spouse know that you noticed whatever it was that he or she did and their help is well appreciated and vice versa.

That’s why you are two! Go team!

5. Compliments

Genuine compliments about your spouse’s looks and beauty every now and then and as often, might just be one of the things your spouse needs to get by on a particular day.

When you are two, it’s easier to give and receive an unbiased compliment from your spouse. Go ahead and let your spouse know how their good looks drive you…you know what. 😉

6. Help

This is something you both should be able to count on. Your significant other is more open to help or do things without being asked when you are also willing to help. You give what you get and get what you give. Yessssss!

7. Encouragement

When all is high and dry, and there’s no one around to talk to, you should be able to find solace that your spouse or significant other is there to hear you out, no matter what. He or she is the shoulder you can lean on and vice versa. Picking up one when the other falls, is the power of two.

8. Support

By being supportive to each other, those goals, dreams, and aspirations should receive life because you are not alone. You should get a better reward for what you both work for and see good results. Be your spouse’s number one fan and cheer leader. Together, you can make it.

9. Productivity

When you are two, your level of productivity should be doubled if not more. Always remember you cannot do it alone and you shouldn’t do it alone. Work hand in hand and attain those insurmountable feats together. You can do it!

10. Love

What’s the power of two without love right? When you are two, loving each other or having someone loving you the right way is one thing you enjoy. Without it, all other benefits of being two are in limbo and may never happen, so give it all the love it deserves and get all the good things in return.

Leverage the power of two and get wholesome results that the strength and power of one cannot achieve. There’s always room for more and things to get better when you are two. With the power of two, you can’t go wrong.

Are you leveraging this power?

 The power of two

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