
Monkey Branching: Are You A Victim?

Monkey branching

Monkey branching- You know, like a picture of a monkey swinging from tree to tree?


Only that it is not a literal monkey this time.

Monkey branching is actually another word for cheating or you could choose to call it “two-timing”.

This is mostly done by a partner in a relationship who feels insecure and needs a back up plan or an exit strategy in case of a failed relationship.

Someone who monkey branches not only does things that exhibit the traits of flirting, he actually sometimes, takes it a step further and leaves his partner for someone else with whom he was two timing -while in an active relationship with his partner.

The term monkey branching is mostly used for women (insert eye roll here), and although the men do this same thing, they prefer to call it something else.

However, in this post I am using the word monkey branching for the men -though like I already mentioned, it’s also applicable to women.

Why do men monkey branch and are you are victim of monkey branching?

How do you know the signs of monkey branching?

Why Partners Monkey Branch?

1. Discontentment

When it comes to variety, some men don’t stop at just flashy cars (toys as some would like to call it) or ostentatious living, variety in their own terms also includes dating several women at a time.

They usually are dissatisfied with the woman in their lives and seek to have other women as well, while still in an active relationship.

You are well within bounds if you call them “serial rakes” -The more women, the merrier.

It’s the “Oliver Twist” gang- “Can I have more?”

To these men, the grass always looks greener on the other side and they would do all they can, to partake of whatever that “greener” is.

Related: 20 Subtle Signs That Show He Likes You

2. Insecurity

Monkey branching

Some men feel insecure in their relationship especially when it seems the woman is out of their league or class.

You may wonder why a man would date a woman who is not on the same social status with him.

One of the reasons he would do this is because of the benefits he would receive from the relationship and not necessarily because he wants to end up with her.

Such an affair is however, mostly seen in relationships where the woman is older and the man is younger.

The younger man in this case, while dating the older woman, usually has a lady of his age bracket to fall back on, if there’s a fall out at the end of the day.

It’s called “soft landing”.

3. Peer pressure

Monkey branching

Peer pressure from friends could let a man monkey branch.

Friends have that much power to wield a lot of influence on their fellow friends.

“Show me your friend and I’ll tell you who you are” is true for the most part and sometimes, your friends might just be living their lives through you. Sure nobody wants that.

If you struggle with overcoming peer pressure from friends or any other angle it may be coming from, you could see the post below:

Related: How to Handle Peer Pressure From Friends

4. He Is A Player

Monkey branching

People tend to think men in general are the same when it comes to womanizing.

This may be true to some extent. However, there are still some good men out there, you just only need to look intently to find exactly what you seek.

But truth be told though, the buck in some men’s love encompasses material things, wealth, and mostly stops at the bosom of women. If a man leaps from a woman’s laps to those of another, you are safe to call him “a player”.

Money and women are seen as synonymous so much so, that there is a saying that goes: “No money, no woman”. You can judge for yourself if this is by any means, true.


And a man may also enjoy being in the company of many women not for any good reason, than just to boost his own ego and self aggrandizement.

Men love being flocked around by women and what more could the female folks ask for if money speaks.


Related: Boundaries | The Key To A Stronger Marriage

Monkey branching

Signs Your Partner Is Monkey Branching

Monkey-branching could be in form of chatting, calling, flirting or things of that nature by your man with another woman other than you, while you are both together in a relationship.

This sets the stage for him to be overtly friendly which helps him curry some favor with the woman or women as the case may be, so he is not an entire stranger to her, if his relationship with you falls apart at the end of the day.

And the other woman most likely will, on the basis of that friendship (whether shallow or deep), give him a chance since he is already a “friend”.

It’s the easiest way for your man to go about it.

Yeah, by virtue of this act, he is ready and properly positioned for that flavor, whenever it is ready to be served.

As a partner when this happens however, you are most likely left in the dark and have no idea your date is two timing or monkey branching.

Being privy to this information or life style of monkey branching by your partner would be most evident to you, only when your relationship is officially over with your date and he immediately ends up with the back up or plan B woman.

If you pay close attention to your relationship, you just may be able to decipher the signs before that happens.

What Should You Do If Your Partner Is Monkey Branching?

monkey branching

The other tell tale signs already alluded to like chatting, calling, flirting with other women while in a relationship with you, are things you can easily address if it makes you feel uncomfortable in any way.

Ask questions if need be and let your partner know how you feel. This however, doesn’t mean he would stop flirting if he is a Casanova.

Whatever happens, you need to keep in mind that if your partner does any of these other things like texting and flirting with other women while you are both dating, the tendency is that, this would most likely continue after you get married if you end up as a married couple.

The morning tells the day pretty much, so now is the time to decide if you would be able to handle these things while married.

Related: 10 dating tips you simply can’t ignore to date like a boss.

Take Away

Most men who monkey branch behave recklessly to their partners because they know they have a back up. And if you are treated as an option in your relationship with other women in competition with you over your man (whether or not you know them), you could be a victim of monkey branching.

Related: 10 Things That Destroy Sexual Intimacy In Marriage

Bonus Tips:

-When it comes to dating, look before you leap.

-A man can still monkey branch even if you are of the same age group.

-Ensure you are not the one monkey branching in your relationship.

-Do not derail your relationship by imagining there’s monkey branching when there’s none. Before you come to any conclusions, be sure it is what it seems to be.

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