Marriage & Family

Marriage Relationships: How To Spice It Up

Marriage Relationships

Marriage Relationships made anew…

It’s been a bit! I hope the year started out on a good footing for you! If the past year was not too intriguing or you could not attain the heights you had envisaged at the beginning of the year, there is another opportunity to have a do over. Don’t be discouraged and do not give up. Sometimes, when the road is tough is exactly the time you are about to breakthrough or have that thing you have long awaited to happen for you. I pray that the new year brings to you all that you wish for yourself and your loved ones.

Let’s talk about something quite interesting…how do you intend to spice up your marriage this year? I have some ideas for you to follow that could bring in life and ignite your love flame this year! Are you ready?

6 Key Things To Note To Spice Up Your Marriage Relationship

Marriage Relationships

1. Your spouse is not your enemy

As a married couple, you need to realize that your spouse is not your enemy. You and your spouse are one and the same. Yes, even though you are both different people with different personalities. Once you acknowledge that your spouse is your friend and basically “YOU”, you would see and treat them differently. You would want only good to come to them and all you would like to see is that they succeed. Because if your spouse succeeds, you also succeed and if they fail…so do you.

Related: One Major Red Flag of An Emotionally Distant Spouse

2. You Are Not Perfect

” No perfect people allowed” should be the mantra for all marriages. Knowing you are not perfect or that you are not without flaws, the more you would extend grace to your spouse. You may through your own lens believe you are always right or that you are Mr. or Mrs. Perfect, but the truth is, as humans we are filled with imperfections and deeply flawed in many ways.

3. Your Spouse is Not Perfect

Even though they might think they are or may be you wish they are. Unfortunately, they are not and there would always be mistakes. Two people knowing that they cannot always get it right or be on their “A” game all of the time, makes the relationship better.

4. Don’t Normalize What is Abnormal

It is always very easy the very first time something out of place that something is not right. However, once that thing continues to repeat itself, over time one gets used to it. In fact at some point, the person who noticed the discrepancy the first time might be so blinded that when the normal thing happens, it feels strange. In your marriage relationship, do not normalize the abnormal. Do not call the abnormal, normal and normal, abnormal.

5. You Could Be Right In The Wrong Way

You could be wrong but sincerely wrong. You could also be right but in the wrong way. And even though you are right, because it was in the wrong way, you become wrong. Your tone, body language, choice of words all work together to either make or break a perfect delivery of what you are trying to say. If your right words come out wrongly, it is wrong altogether.

Marriage Relationships

6. Don’t Answer Feelings with Facts

Answer your spouse’s feelings with feelings and facts with facts. If your spouse went to a grocery store but they did not find what they were looking for at the store. He or she comes home telling you about how tired they are and how they just wasted their time. Instead of saying : “Why didn’t you just go down the street since that store didn’t have what you were looking for?”. Pause and listen to the way they feel. Yes, going to another store is a fact but that’s not what your spouse needs right now. All your spouse is asking for at that point is empathy and not what they could have done or not done.

Related: Is Social Media Killing Your Relationships


These points will help your marriage relationship if they are taken to heart and intentionally acted upon. Knowing that you are both a team will make you desire to make it work. Some couples have however decided that they would only do a particular thing or make their marriage work on the condition- “if” while some others choose to do a particular thing “regardless”. What team are you on? Team “I will only if…” OR Team ” I will regardless…” The team you are on will determine the direction your marriage relationship is headed on the long run.

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