Self Care

How To Become A Better Person

Do you often find yourself asking if you are good enough? Good enough as a spouse, lover, friend, parent or colleague? Do you wonder how you can be a better person? A better version of you?

Many people find themselves in this position where they wonder if what they do and how they do it or what they say and how they say it ever suffices to address the situation or circumstance at hand. Now that’s a good thing albeit not when it’s done to the point of excessive guilt.

Rather than going around in circles wondering if you are good enough, taking a step back to evaluate things around you could go a long way in saving you from this personal conundrum. These seven listed things could actually help you in discovering yourself, venturing you into the person you desire to become.

How To Be A Better Person:

1. Don’t Ask If You Are Good Enough

Instead of asking “ Am I good enough?” Ask or find ways through which you can do things better. In other words, improve on what you are currently doing and do it better than you used to, in the past.

You may be asking or wondering how these two things are different because they look pretty similar. Yes, that’s true, they are, but they are different. How? While the former is coming from a place of self judgment and condemnation, the latter comes from a place of self love and a desire to be a better version of yourself.

So instead of asking the question “ Am I good enough? Ask: how can I be better? What can I do to be better than who I am today?

Related: What To Do When You Feel You Are Losing Yourself

2. To Become A better Person, Challenge Yourself To Actually Do Better


-By taking action. Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk. Wishful thinking is not a thing that becomes reality. It’s just as simple as the name implies: “wishful”. No, that dream won’t just happen except you take actionable steps towards achieving that change you want to see in yourself. So set realistic goals and work towards becoming a better you.

3. Don’t Procrastinate

Procrastination is the thief of not only time, but of joy as well. Don’t delay what you have to do or push what you have to do “now” to the back burner. As some of the nursery rhymes I learnt as a child says: “Make haste while the sun shines”; “Tick says the clock, tick tick what you have to do, do quick”. Do what you have to do and do it NOW.

“Now” is all you have.

Related: 3 Questions To Ask To Increase Your Productivity

4. Celebrate Your Wins

There’s nothing like small wins or big wins. A win is a win, it only depends on who is winning.

Celebrate your wins whether you consider it big or small. Appreciate your progress even when others don’t. Be excited about what you have been able to achieve as you look ahead to more days of winning. Be your own number one fan and cheer leader. Yes, pat yourself in the back and applaud yourself. You have come a long way and you are not at all doing badly. Go ahead and tell yourself something nice.

You deserve it.

How to be a better person

5. To Become A Better Person, Give It Your Best

…whatever your “it” is.

Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well. Don’t get me wrong. We all have challenges and there are things calling for our attention all of the time. Not only that, we also sometimes face set backs. That’s simply a part of life and it’s totally understandable.

In the midst of it all however, continue to give your best in all you do. If you get tired along the way, take a break and when you are fully refreshed and ready, pick yourself back up and hit the ground- running.

6. Trust God through the process

Yes, it’s a journey and a very personal one too. As you aspire to be better and do better, realize you can’t do it on your own. There are resources to help you get by, but you ultimately need to trust God to give you the strength you need to achieve your purpose and be all that you are meant to be.

7. Never give up

You are not defeated until you guessed it right…you give up.

As long as you are alive and you are properly positioned for what you set out to achieve, it may take a while but you would get there eventually -but only if you don’t give up. So say to yourself, call out your name and say: “……….” never give up. It may be taking longer than normal, instead of being discouraged, press on and believe that one day, you would get to your dreams.

Am I good enough or how can I be better? Now, replace the former with the latter. Doesn’t that just make you feel better?

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