
10 Clear Signs That Show He Is Not Into You

Clear signs that show he is not…into you.

Clear signs that show he is not into you

Was it love at first sight?! He is so hot! I really hope he can be mine!


As ladies, we sometimes wish some things for ourselves based on what we love and want -including that guy we just met or saw walking down the street.

We actually find a nice looking guy and wish he could be all ours. We keep wishing he would speak up and are probably looking for the subtle signs that show he likes us at the same time.

Related: 20 Subtle Signs That Show He Is Into You

But can he…or is it just wishful thinking? Are there clear signs that can easily give that answer away? Sometimes, we may even be ready to flaunt ourselves in their faces. But what if the guy is not interested?

If you want to be happy, cool, calm and collected when next you see him, (without your heart going all over the place), you need to know the clear signs from afar that show he isn’t interested in a relationship with you so you don’t get heart broken at the end of the day.

Related: Stalking Your Ex And What To Do About It

What are the clear signs that show a guy is not into you?

1. He doesn’t look or pay attention to you

You may be the funniest person in the room or may be even the finest and sleekest but if he is not looking in your direction or laughing at your jokes, he is not interested.

2. He avoids you

Once he knows you would be at a party or any other gathering, he decides to stay away just because you would be there. He may be doing this because you have probably shown him in different ways that you are available or may be flirted with him (or tried to) at some point -and he is put off already by that gesture. Avoiding you might just be his escape route to get away from all that drama.

3. He talks about his girlfriend all the time

If he talks about his girlfriend or any particular girl every single time, this is a sign that he is either into a relationship with someone else or wants you totally off his grid. This clearly tells he isn’t interested in anyone else -including you.

4. He counts his words when it comes to you

Just a “hi” and “bye” here and there and that’s it. He doesn’t want to have any long conversations with you.

And when you finally get the chance to exchange numbers (if ever), he makes empty promises to either text or call you but never does or drags his feet.

Do you also find that each time, you are the one always reaching out first either initiating the call or sending a text? When he does this, it’s a clear sign that he isn’t into you.

5. He tells you

He decides to tell you upfront that he is literally not interested in having a relationship with you.

Related: How To Navigate The Friendzone

6. His mood changes when you are around

Does he go into hibernation pretty quickly whenever he sees you and act like he suddenly doesn’t exist simply because you just walked in -even though he had been upbeat just moments before? This is a clear sign that he is not interested.

7. He just doesn’t care

Even when you are down, he is not bothered. He doesn’t ask about your feelings, well being or what’s going on with you.

8. He doesn’t like to call or mention your name

If he would rather use pronouns like “her” or “she” when it comes to you and won’t just call your name, it’s a sign he doesn’t want you.

9. He walks out when you walk in

Whenever he sees you, he suddenly realizes it’s time to go home or he wanted to go get something at the store. All just to leave so that both of you wouldn’t be in the same environment at the same time. It’s a clear sign.

10. He tells his friends and your mutual friends about it

He tells his friends so that they know, and he tells your mutual friends so that you know. He knows if he tells your mutual friends, you would somehow get to know what he thinks about you, one way or the other.

Take Away

Knowing the signs that a guy is not interested in you and doing the needful before your feelings go too far is key to both your mental and emotional health.

You don’t want to stand a risk of being rejected and heart broken if your love is not reciprocated. It doesn’t get any worse than that.

Pin it for later!

Bonus Tips

-Don’t wait for a guy to tell you off. Be the first to walk away.

-If he used to be into you and he begins to show any of these signs, get ready to bid that relationship farewell.

…And there you have it!

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